Institutional Strategic Objectives Performance Prof. A.C. Stevenson, PVC Planning & Resources October 28th 2013 Institutional Strategic Objectives Performance Top 20 in the UK for Research Top 20 in the UK for Student Satisfaction Financial and Environmental Sustainability A Significant International, National & Regional Profile & Reputation A AG AG AG A AG Focus on Societal Challenge Theme Ageing Focus on Societal Challenge Theme Sustainability Focus on Societal Challenge Theme Social Renewal AG G AG AG Definitions Good Satisfactory Mixed Problematic Current Previous Green: Good Low Risk On Track No action required Amber-Green: Satisfactory Some concerns Broadly On Track Amber: Mixed Medium Risk Some significant concerns Potentially damaging Red: Problematic High Risk Serious concerns Threatening overall performance Both current performance and previous performance are indicated using these definitions. Peer Group Bath, Birmingham, Bristol, Cambridge, Cardiff, Dundee, Durham, East Anglia, Edinburgh, Essex, Exeter, Glasgow, Imperial College, King’s College, Lancaster, Leeds, Leicester, Liverpool, LSE, Manchester, Newcastle, Nottingham, Oxford, Queen Mary, Queen’s Belfast, Reading, Royal Holloway, Sheffield, Southampton, St Andrews, Surrey, Sussex, UCL, Warwick, York