Reversing Alarm TF Report to GRB 67th Transmitted by the experts of TF RA Reversing Alarm TF Report to GRB 67th
Framework Meetings Participants Chair : Hiroyuki HOUZU (Japan) Vice-chair : Fatih ÖZÇINAR (Turkey) Secretary : Manfred Klopotek von Glowczewski (OICA) Meetings 1st Meeting : 2017, November – Brussels Participants Contracting parties : Japan, Turkey, Germany, The Netherlands NGOs : OICA, CLEPA
Scope A. Introduction 1. Following ECE/TRANS/WP.29/1110, para. 100, this proposal establishes Terms of Reference for a new [IWG/Task Force] on a Regulation under the 1958 Agreement about the Reverse Alarm of vehicles. 2. The aim of the Group is to propose a new Regulation based on audible Reverse Alarm systems installed on vehicles of category M3, N3, [M2] and [N2] for safety of vulnerable road users taking into account non-audible system.
Strategies of TF for Reversing Alarm To collect information at each country is important first step. At 1st TF, information is exchanged among attending country. To collect information widely, we want to conduct questionnaire research to GRB expert.
Results of 1st TF
Current procedures We want to know each country’s situation by questionnaire research. Please answer our questionnaire sheet. Please send answered questionarre sheet before 2018,April 20th. Part of questionnaire sheet