The Bill of Rights
The Bill of Rights-Facts 1st ten amendments to the U.S. Constitution Written by James Madison Ratified and added to the Constitution in 1791 Protects rights of individuals
Vocabulary Amend: to change Amendment: a change to the Constitution
Constitutional Amendment Process In order to amend (change) the Constitution the following must occur: STEP 1: 2/3 of Congress or 2/3 of states must agree in order to propose an amendment STEP 2: 3/4 of Congress or 3/4 of states must agree in order to ratify an amendment
Freedom to petition the government Freedom of religion 1st Amendment Freedom of Speech Freedom of the Press Freedom to petition the government Freedom of religion Freedom of assembly (gather in group/protest)
Freedom of Speech thoughts and opinions Right to express your Blah
Freedom of Press Newspapers and media can give information to the public including opinions
You can beleive in whatever you want Freedom of Religion
Freedom of Assembly Right to protest peacefully in a public place
Right to Petition Right to formally complain against the government
2nd Amendment Right to Bear Arms Right to form a militia
No Quartering of Soldiers 3rd Amendment No Quartering of Soldiers
Cannot search without a warrant 4th Amendment Cannot search without a warrant
Right not to testify against oneself 5th Amendment Right not to testify against oneself I plea the 5th…
Due Process of Law Life, liberty and property cannot be taken away without due process
Double Jeopardy 1st Time Not Guilty
No Double Jeopardy 2nd Time Guilty
Fair, Speedy and Public Trial by Jury 6th Amendment Fair, Speedy and Public Trial by Jury
Trial By Jury in Civil Cases 7th Amendment Trial By Jury in Civil Cases
No Cruel and Unusual Punishment 8th Amendment No Cruel and Unusual Punishment
Constitutional rights do not deny other rights 9th Amendment Constitutional rights do not deny other rights Go To
Rights Retained by the States 10th Amendment Rights Retained by the States
Who determines what the Bill of Rights means? The Supreme Court makes rulings on the meaning The Supreme Court balances the rights of the individual with the needs of society Individual?? Society??