Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) Office of School Improvement Resource Allocation Review Requirements September 19, 2018
Requirement in ESSA Section 1111 (d)(3)(A)(ii) A state education agency shall : . . periodically review resource allocation to support school improvement in each local educational agency in the State serving— (I) a significant number of schools identified for comprehensive support and improvement . . and (II) a significant number of schools implementing targeted support and improvement plans . . .
OSI Implementation Steps Provide LEAs with Grant Award Notifications detailing the requirements and timelines around timely and efficient expenditure of funds Provide LEA technical assistance on conducting a needs assessment and using the results to develop the SIG application Require LEAs to indicate, in their SIG application, how other funds/resources are coordinated with the SIG funds to meet identified improvement needs of the school Provide technical assistance to LEAs regarding initial alignment, use, and processing of SIG funds in the VDOE’s financial management system to ensure that resources are appropriately aligned to the school’s approved application Review, approve, and track LEA expenditures via the VDOE financial management system; send mid-year and end-of-year grant spend-down notifications to the LEA Provide one-to-one technical assistance to LEAs upon request/as needed Conduct evaluations of assets and their use in schools with an identified need as part of periodically reviewing resource allocation