April Is Distracted Driving Awareness Month James Madison University Department of Risk Management www.jmu.edu/riskmgmt
attentive driver. We urge you to make this commitment today: Multitasking technology in vehicles is about convenience, not safety. The National Safety Council invites you to Take Back Your Drive by pledging to always be an attentive driver. We urge you to make this commitment today: I choose to not drive distracted in any way – I will not: Have a phone conversation – handheld, hands-free, or via Bluetooth Text or send Snapchats Use voice-to-text features in my vehicle’s dashboard system Update Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Vimeo, Vine or other social media Check or send emails Take selfies or film videos Input destinations into GPS (while the vehicle is in motion) Call or message someone else when I know they are driving Make your pledge public and urge your friends and family to make the same commitment.
Read the story behind Distracted Driving Awareness Month.