EuroNHID project Scientific Contents EU contract No: 752007
European Network for Highly Infectious Diseases 3-year-long project; From June 2007 to June 2010 Re-enforcing and continuing EUNID work
EuroNHID: countries involved 2 centres from France, 1 centre from Austria, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Spain, and United Kingdom (previous EUNID partners), and 1 centre from Bulgaria, Malta, Poland and Slovenia.
EuroNHID main aims The mission of EuroNHID is to prepare and support isolation units: To provide appropriate infection control measures; To provide strategies for HCWs safety; To reduce the risk of hospital acquired infections; in the case of emergencies deriving from naturally emerging or deliberately released agents of HIDs, as well as in the care of sporadic or imported cases.
EuroNHID specific objectives Development of checklists - 1 The first objective of the project will be the development of specifically designed, evidence-based checklists to assess hospital capabilities on infection control and HCW safety in the management of patients with HID.
EuroNHID specific objectives Development of checklists - 2 Checklists will explore: 1. Hospital resources including: a. infrastructure issues (e.g. building preparation and engineering), capacity of the facility (e.g., number of isolation beds) and of the equipment (e.g., number of ventilators); b. staffing (total number of skilled staff, management of surge capacity regarding the staff, existence of plans for the recruitment of personnel during epidemics),
EuroNHID specific objectives Development of checklists - 3 Checklists will explore: 2. Hospital Policies a. Procedures, and Documentation for isolation precautions, including Personal Protective Equipment b. Procedures to assess compliance with infection control measures c. Existence of Surge Capacity plans both for personnel and medical devices
EuroNHID specific objectives Development of checklists - 4 Checklists will explore: 3. Management of healthcare personnel a. criteria of HCW selection choice in job posting b. training and education; including core curriculum, knowledge and attitude of HCWs regarding HIDs. c. surveillance, policies of vaccination and prophylaxis, post-exposure management.
EuroNHID specific objectives Survey in participating centres The survey will be conducted by each partner (or their representatives) in their own centre and in other selected centres in the country, if existing. Only HIUs/referral centres will be surveyed. About 1-3 centres for each country are expected.
EuroNHID specific objectives Data analysis and proposal for the improving - 1 A comparative review of national capabilities and practices in the management and control of HID will be conducted, in order to identify lessons that might be learned, perform a spotting of critical points emerged. Private feedback will be provided to each partners.
EuroNHID specific objectives Data analysis and proposal for the improving - 2 Finally, a Final Report will be developed, as a practical guide to handle different aspects in the management of highly infectious diseases in the hospital settings. Final Report will not give specific data on the surveyed centres. The Report could be used by Health Authorities and Hospital Administrators for the implementation and update of Country hospital capability.