Name:_____________________________ Shoulder Partner:______________________ Una Gente En Dios Packet ___1. Completed the Vocabulary Pattern Puzzle(5) ___2. Completed KIM Sheet for Vocabulary (20) ___3. Read the Background Essay on Pre-Columbian North America (20) -Numbered the Paragraphs -Completed Post It Notes on each Paragraph ___4. .Write Rough Draft Acrostic Poem . Each Letter contains a complete thought with FACTS from Notes (20) ___5. Take Notes on Sunburst on Early Native American Cultures. 8-10 Bullets in each portion with facts Vocabulary Geography Dates etc. (20) ___6. Write Rough Draft I am poem using Sunburst Notes with Facts and Vocabulary in Each Line (20) ____7. Select One of Your poems as a SUMMATIVE Grade to show what you have learned about Pre-Columbian Natives and Prepare it in Final Draft Form. Typed or in Black Ink. Decorate the edges with at least 5 appropriate Illustrations or Doodles. And Give it a Creative Title. _________Grand Total Points (100 points possible)) Title Title Doodles Your Name POEM HERE Your Name
______________________________ U___________________________________ N___________________________________ A___________________________________ G___________________________________ E___________________________________ T___________________________________ D____________________________________ I____________________________________ O___________________________________ S____________________________________
I am ___________ I am ….. I think… I want…. I need... I see… I feel… I hear… I touch… I share… I am...