The Old Nations were vying to “master” the North American Continent. Britain France Spain
1688 to 1763 Europe was fighting in four wars. All four wars were global. World Wars. In Europe the war was called “The Seven Years War” and the war being fought in the Americas was called the French-Indian War.
France comes to North America Late arrivals to the “land grab” The French come for the same reasons. Domestic problems at home in France. Religious Freedoms-Roman Catholics clashed with the Protestant Huguenots. (Do you see a former situation similar?)
In class assignment List two areas of the world the French have influence that still exist today through Language Culture Politics Food Music Hints, islands, French quarters, provinces, language, names.
Quebec, Canada Lead by Samuel de Champlain know as “Father of France.” French were successful in Relationships with some Indian tribes was fostered such as the Hurons. The French helped the Hurons fight the Iroquis tribes. This would later back fire on the French when the Iroquis fought back by hampering the French from settling early the Ohio Valley. The Indians helped both the French and British fight each other.
Words we use today brought in by French fur trappers. Couveurs de bois-Runners of the Woods Baton Rouge-Red Stick (Louisana) Terre Haute-High Land (Indiana) Des Moines-Some Monks (Iowa) Grand Teton-Big Breast (Wyoming) Voyageurs.