Warm-Up Return to your KWL chart about your research topic. Complete the “L” column. Include at least 6 pieces of knowledge you have learned throughout your research topic.
Papers….???? Status? Due Date Posters?
Presentation Preparation What are the components of an effective oral presentation? Eye Contact Volume/Voice Posture/Body Language Information Avoid: ummm…. Like…. I don’t know…
Your Presentation You will speak for 1-2 minutes about your topic. Your objective is to EFFECTIVELY present your information about your topic CLEARLY and COHERENTLY. Remember, you are the expert, and you’re informing us – which includes responding to questions as needed. Your poster/visual is a prop, but you should NOT be reading directly from it. Take 5 minutes to outline….
Real-World Teenage Problems As your peers present the information about their research topic, make sure you use your graphic organizer on pp. 47-48 to keep track.
Summarizer THINK – Complete your graphic organizer. Decide on one topic you’d like to talk about. PAIR – Turn to a partner. SHARE – Discuss your chosen topic with your partner. Make sure you share the 3 facts you learned, the 2 questions you still have, AND the 1 way you know this connects to teen angst.