William Zinsser, “College Pressures” (292-300) How does Zinsser introduce his essay? What is Zinsser’s thesis statement? ‘I see four kinds of pressure working on college students today: economic pressure, parental pressure, peer pressure, and self-induced pressure” (293-294) What kinds of evidence does Zinsser use to support his division into categories of college pressure? Turn to the person next to you and, together, paraphrase Zinsser’s sixth paragraph. What does he mean? What kinds of evidence could you use to support his argument? What kinds of pressure factor into your life? Does one weigh more heavily on you than another? Can you think of any other categories that Zinsser has omitted?
Stephanie Ericsson, “The Ways We Lie” (319-327) What types of information are in Ericsson’s introduction? How does this information affect your initial understanding of her topic? What are some of the ways that Ericsson classifies lies? Why does Ericsson include epitaphs under her headings? How do these epitaphs affect the way that Ericsson shapes her rhetoric? What kinds of evidence does Ericsson use to support her classification of lies? Are there any kinds of lies that Ericsson omits or that you think should not be included in her classification? Why or why not? How does Ericsson conclude her essay? What is the rhetorical effect of her choice of conclusion? Have you heard anything recently that you may not have considered a lie but you are now reconsidering after reading Ericsson’s essay? What are the rhetorical purposes of lying?