Mrs. Miele’s Mathematics Class At Ridge Road Middle We Fly Higher than the Rest!
Daily Routine Preparation for class Get out sharpened pencil, agenda, homework, interactive notebook Complete Warm Up Check Warm Up ** NO PENS ALLOWED
Class Work Activating Strategy- Students play a game reviewing concepts Guided: Teacher introduces the concept and models examples with the students Collaborative: Students work either in groups or partners to practice questions emphasizing the concept
Homework Students will have homework Monday through Thursday. On occasion students will be given homework for the weekend. Students need to fully explain their answers always for full credit It is due the next day in order to go over in class. Homework can be found on my weebly if your child misplaces their own copy.
Homework Projects assigned based on concepts learned in class. On Fridays students will track their progress in their data folders.
Parent’s Jobs Look at your child’s agenda every evening to see what homework is to be done….ask to see that homework, and sign the agenda….write to me if you need to. Look at your child’s Math interactive notebook each Friday to see daily work done and assignments. Make sure to check grades on a daily basis. Go to my school weebly for updates.
Weebly Site Mrs. Miele’s weebly site address:
Remind : “Texting App” Remind: To receive Miele reminders for weekly updates for classes Text the following to 81010 @f837kh
Contact Information Email Address: or Call Ridge Road Middle School at: 980-344-3410 Parent Conferences are scheduled on Thursdays at 3:15 – 4:00 pm