Kingdom Protista
What are protist? What are the classifications of Protist? Eukaryotes, Mostly Unicellular Organism Evolved from the symbiosis of several cells of Archaebacteria Endosymbiotic Theory Lynn Margulis What are the classifications of Protist? Heterotrophs Animal – like Protozoa (classified by locomotion) Fungus – like Protist (absorb nutrients from dead/decaying organisms) Autotrophs Plant – like Protist (unicellular and plant like protist)
Animal Like Protist
Protist Phylums Phylum Sarcodina Free living- Fresh or brackish water, bottom dwellers Parasitic Pseudopod: temporary cytoplasmic projection Food vacuoles, some have shells Use pseudopods to take in food by phagocytosis Use psedopods for movement and feeding (phagocytosis) Example: Amoebas, Foraminiferan, Heliozoan
Parts of the amoeba
Protist Phylums Phylum Ciliophora (Ciliates) Free living- Fresh and salt water Have two nuclei: Micronucleus and Macronucleus Contractile vacuoles, gullet, cilia Use cilia to sweep food particles into the gullet Use cilia for movement (short hair like-projections) Example: Paramecium
Protist Phylums Phylum Zoomastiginia Free living – lakes or streams Symbiotic relationship with host One or 2 flagella to swim Feed by absorbing nutrient Example: Trypanosoma Causes sleeping sickness spread by tsetse fly Giardia
Protist Phylums Phylum Sporozoa Habitat – host organism Sporozoites Live off the host. Infects and destroys RBC No locomotion All parasites with complex life cycles Example: Plasmodium (causes malaria)