Hello! If you did not do so yesterday, please turn in your CHAPTER 4 STUDY GUIDE questions to the empty tray on the filing cabinet. Be sure that you have your Outliers book.
Procrastination WHY is it a problem? What are the causes? What are the solutions? How can you connect this to your life?
Excerpt #1 How does Gladwell use questions in this selection? As you read, annotate – what’s interesting about the selection, in your opinion? This selection can be found at the end of section 2 – which is very near to the beginning of the chapter. Does it serve as a good “introduction” piece? Why? Circle the number of times that Gladwell uses the word “we”. Who the heck are “we”? How does Gladwell use questions in this selection? Does the selection raise any questions? Do you have any critiques?
Excerpt #2 As you read, annotate – what’s interesting about the selection, in your opinion? Why does Gladwell use the block quote in the top 1/3 of the selection? Is the use of this quote effective? How does Gladwell integrate his own thoughts with this quotation? Does this excerpt counter (or go against) anything Gladwell has been saying in other chapters? Does this selection raise any questions for you?
For the rest of class… Read chapter 5… Remember, give me a 1-2 sentence summary for each section of the chapter. This is to make things easier for you. If you can’t remember part of what you read, it’s no better than NOT reading it. Fill out role sheets Be ready to discuss with your group tomorrow