Chapter 9 The War Begins
Secession March 4, 1861 – Lincoln takes office February 4, 1861 – 7 states seceded and created new nation: Confederate States of America, Confederacy for short
They adopted a constitution guaranteeing the future of slavery Chose Jefferson Davis as their first president
When Lincoln took over as President, only 2 forts remained in South Began to take over forts, arsenals, post offices, and other United States property in their states When Lincoln took over as President, only 2 forts remained in South Problem Lincoln faced: 7 states left Union, 8 remained, but 4 warned Lincoln not to use force against the 7 seceded states Lincoln appealed to South in his inaugural address not to secede
Too Late for Words Lincoln’s words changed nothing Fort Sumter, South Carolina; Major Robert Anderson refused to hand over fort to South Fort was short of supplies, would have to give up
Confederate cannons fired on fort and forces of United States Confederacy: gunners had struck blow for their independence Union: Confederates engaged in rebellion
Arkansas, Virginia, North Carolina, and Tennessee seceded Civil War had begun