WHY CHANGE Shifting the balance of power towards the patient Difficult to pursue complaints/concerns Complaints do not get a fair hearing Independent review process no credibility No learning from complaints
MAIN CHANGES Patients can choose how they wish to pursue a complaint Promote more flexible ways to complaint e.g. by E mail Make better use of the Modern Matron and PALS National Customer Care Training for Support Staff
Communication benchmark in the “Essence of Care” resource pack National programme of Induction and advanced communication Radical overall of Independent Review Process – CHAI Identify Board level person with specific responsibility for Complaints
Independent Complaints Advocacy Services will aim to ensure complainants have access to the support they need National Clinical Assessors Database National specification for training in complaints and dispute resolution Training for NHS Board Members and staff
ROLE OF THE MODERN MATRON Help to resolve problems when and where they occur Contribute to addressing concerns BEFORE the escalate into formal
ROLE OF P.A.L.S. Assist patients in complaints/concerns processes Gather user feedback and feedback into the organisation and service development cycle Comment Cards Ensure relevant action is taken Help resolve complaints “on the ground”
INDEPENDENT REVIEWS Subject to legislation: Commission for Healthcare Audit and Inspection will:- * Determine further action by the Trust * Investigate cases OR instigate an Inspection *Refer direct to the Ombudsman
WHERE NEXT Review Trust policy Review Trust Complaints Leaflet National Customer Care Programme for Support Workers NHSU – Induction & Development programme designed to improve communication skills beginning with a programme for healthcare professionals caring for Cancer patients
P.A.L.S. discussion with Rose and Pat Good practice toolkit for local resolution.