Morcott Parish Council White Horse Working Party Goal, Objectives & Milestones For approval at MPC Meeting on 28th July 2015 July 2015
White Horse Working Party: Goal, Objectives & Milestones Goal: To preserve The White Horse public house as a social amenity for the village of Morcott Objectives: #1: Working Party: Form a Working Party with representatives with relevant skills from the Parish Council and Village utilising additional skills as required. #2: Framework: Define the alternative scenarios & outcomes which may arise in relation to The White Horse & its surrounding environs. #3: Information gathering: Define a list of parties to consult to gather relevant information. Obtain permission to speak to these parties on behalf of the Parish Council #4: Review information gathered: Present the information gathered & conclusions to the Parish Council as a means of recommending & agreeing courses of action. #5: Agree an Action Plan: Suggest & agree a plan of action with the Parish Council. #6: Execute the Action Plan: Proceed with the Action Plan as agreed & review regularly with the Parish Council at intervals prescribed by the Parish Council. Milestones: #1: Objectives #1, 2, & 3: To be achieved prior to & at the Parish Council meeting on 28th July 2015. #2: Objectives #4 & 5: To be achieved prior to & at the Parish Council meeting to be held in Autumn 2015. #3: Objective #6: Progress to be reviewed at the Parish Council meetings in December 2015 & March 2016.