Demersal Finfish, crustacean, and other invertebrate CPUE’s relative to bottom DO concentrations in the summer in the north-central and north-western Gulf of Mexico – an update Rex C Herron
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Anything New? Continued Survey Sampling Both During Summer and Fall Continued Updating Data Files Continued Examining Environmental and Living Resources
Map of the Gulf of Mexico with the 100 m and 200 m depth contours and the NMFS statistical zones displayed. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Gulf of Mexico
Env. Variables that Affects Hypoxia
Env. Variables that Affects Hypoxia
CPUE in mg/km of Total Live Organisms and Total Finfish
CPUE in mg/km of Total Crustaceans and Total Other Invertebrates
CPUE in mg/km of Total Crustaceans and Brown Shrimp
CPUE in mg/km of Total Other Invertebrates and Loligo spp.
Mean CPUE in mg/km of Red Snapper (1988-2010)
Mean CPUE in mg/km of Brown Shrimp (1988-2010)
Mean CPUE in mg/km of Atlantic Croaker (1988-2010)
Mean CPUE in mg/km of Bigeye Searobin (1988-2010)