Lifelong learning and accessibility for migrant adult learners Mario Cardona Directorate for Lifelong Learning and Early School Leavers
Lifelong learning as growth Education cannot have all the solutions to society’s problems. Education cannot have all the solutions to people’s problems. But learning is key to people reaching their fulfillment, wherever they are. Learning is synonymous with growth, personal development in its wider sense.
Lifelong learning as possibility For Maltese adults lifelong learning means Getting the qualifications one has failed to obtain in compulsory education Learning new things for better job prospects Learning new things to re-enter the labour market after a period of parenthood and home-making Learning a new language in order to be able to communicate with family and friends Satisfying the need to meet people and socialise
Developing one’s creative abilities Following particular personal interests in crafts, arts, languages, personal and social skills Equipping oneself with the skills for community involvement and participation Lifelong learning also means learning from participation in social, cultural and economic activity Learning from family life Learning from the workplace Learning from participation in civil society
Lifelong learning as access For migrants of all origins, arriving in Malta may be a shock, a possible new start in life, a stepping stone towards another promised land, an open prison, heaven or hell. Some would want to try making a new life, find a good job, have enough money to live a decent life, many would want to make friends, to have a future, to become human, constantly more human
For all these persons learning and education offer new possibilities. Some can afford to go to day courses, at MCAST or maybe ITS. Others are lucky to have a job and invest time and energy in evening classes of the Adult Education Unit (AEU), MCAST, NGOs.
Participation in AEU courses MFL Level 1 368 MFL Level 2 94 EFL Level 1 266 EFL Level 2 138 Maltese Entry Level (basic) 18 English Entry Level (basic) 44 English MQF 1 27 English MQF 2 17 English Sec. 92 English Advanced 29 English Conversation 84
Italian MQF 1 100 Italian MQF 2 23 Italian Sec. 15 Spanish MQF 1 54 Spanish MQF 2 18 Spanish Sec. 6 German MQF 1 42 German MQF 2 8 German Sec. 5 Italian Conversation 13 Spanish Conversation French MQF 1 38 French Level 2 7 French Sec. 2 French Conversation 10
Living & Working in Malta(non EU nationals) 53 Computer Awareness 10 Internet awareness 7 ECDL 25 Living & Working in Malta(non EU nationals) 53 MFL Level 1(short course, non EU nationals) 20 Personal Empowerment Automotive Engineering 4
Lifelong learning as opening up The AEU has to face the challenge of Knowing the foreigner Knowing his or her needs, aspirations, dreams and fears Knowing how to best speak his or her language Catering for his or her needs in the most diverse of ways, mainly by co-operating with migrant NGOs Training Adult Educators to adopt an adequate pedagogy
“I had returned to learn as many languages as possible “I had returned to learn as many languages as possible. Many languages badly rather than one correctly. As long as I could communicate with everybody, get to know people and new problems, feel amused at the sacred boundaries of the homelands.” Lorenzo Milani
Directorate for Lifelong Learning and Early School Leaving Thank you! Mario Cardona Directorate for Lifelong Learning and Early School Leaving Lifelong Learning Courses Malta & Gozo, Early School Leaving