Images of Pentecost
What can you see? What symbol of the Spirit is shown? What is the attitude of the people present? Does this fit the story?
What can you see? How is this different than the previous picture? Does it fit the story?
What Symbols of the Spirit are present? How do you know? What is the attitude of the people? (look at their gaze) How do you know?
What can you see? What is different about this picture? What point do you think the artist is trying to make here?
A modern painting Do you like it? Do you think this captures the story? There are no people shown why?
This is set in the modern day What can you see that refers to the Pentecost story? What can you see that might refer to other stories from scripture? Why do you think there is a boat present? What is special about the people?
This is a very different kind of painting This is a very different kind of painting. Which part of the world do you think it is from? What can you see? How are several symbols of the spirit shown? Why do you think there is a bridge?