Identification of the GCS1 ortholog in Gonium pectorale. Identification of the GCS1 ortholog in Gonium pectorale. (A) Structure of the GpGCS1 gene. Solid and open boxes represent coding and noncoding exon sequences, respectively. Solid lines indicate introns. Polyadenylation sites and the positions of primers used for RT-PCR analysis are also indicated. (B) Alignment of deduced amino acid sequences of GCS1/HAP2 from G. pectorale (upper) and C. reinhardtii (lower). Identical and similar residues are shaded in black and gray, respectively. Signal sequences, HAP2-GCS1, and transmembrane domains are indicated by boxes. Asterisks within the HAP2-GCS1 domain represent invariant cysteine residues conserved among the GCS1/HAP2 homologs. Open triangles indicate putative N-glycosylation sites. The region corresponding to the antigen used to generate anti-GpGCS1 antibody is also marked. Hiroko Kawai-Toyooka et al. Eukaryotic Cell 2014; doi:10.1128/EC.00330-13