Meaningful Sentences Unit 2 POS, PON (Latin) – to place, to put STAN, STAT (Latin) – to stand, stand something up THES, THET (Greek) – placing, having been placed
An unwelcome demand; a burden imposition- n. An unwelcome demand; a burden For example: My extended stay at my sister’s house may be an imposition on her because… Remember – POS means to place or to put
A place designated for storage repository- n. A place designated for storage For example: Room 145 of the school is being used as a repository for… Remember – POS means to place or to put
happening immediately instantaneous- adj. happening immediately For example: The weightlifting coach told her students that muscle growth would not be instantaneous but rather… Remember – STAN means to stand or stand something up
To bring back into existence or authority reinstate- v. To bring back into existence or authority For example: The committee decided to reinstate Chairman Dorchester when it learned that… Remember – STAT means to stand or stand something up
Not lasting; not steady inconstant- adj. Not lasting; not steady For example: PJ was an inconstant supporter of the political party to which he belonged, so he often… Remember – STAN means to stand or stand something up
Control over expression and action composure- n. Pre-AP Only! Control over expression and action For example: The judges were impressed by the spelling-bee contestant's composure when… Remember – POS means to place or to put
exponential- adj. Pre-AP Only! Steadily increasing For example: The exponential growth of the residential are in Hinsberg was a result of… Remember – PON means to place or to put
For example: The composer’s new style synthesizes both… synthesize- v. Pre-AP Only! To combine; to blend For example: The composer’s new style synthesizes both… Remember – THES means placing
An idea proposed as true; theory hypothesis- n. Pre-AP Only! An idea proposed as true; theory For example: Based on the plant’s amazing growth in the presence of Chemical RK-200, we formed the hypothesis that… Remember – THES means placing
Explaining the main idea or topic parenthetical- adj. Pre-AP Only! Explaining the main idea or topic For example: Joey felt that he needed to add some parenthetical remarks to his speech because… Remember – THET means having been placed