Write to Learn Log-In Get a computer and sign-on. If your computer has Google Chrome, please use it. Type in https://www.pearsonkt.com/writetolearn/fl/duval6 or visit my blog and click on the link directly.
Notice it reads STUDENT Login Write to Learn Log-In This is the screen you should see: Login/Username: duval user ID ‘s' + 8 digit student number Password: CAPITAL first initial of first name + CAPITAL first initial of last name + MMDD of birth date. (M=month, D=day) For example, Arturo Turtle's password would be AT0506 since he is born on May 6th. If you are having trouble, please raise your hand and I will reference my records. Notice it reads STUDENT Login
Write to Learn Log-In This is the screen you should see once you’ve logged-in: Click on Essay
Write to Learn Log-In Once you’ve clicked on ‘Essay’ you should see: Step 2: don’t submit until instructed by the teacher! Notice you only get one (additional) try! Step 1: enter essay here.
Work Period After you’ve finished Write to Learn work on this: Remember, only the article + activity tab and the start lesson button doesn’t disappear after you’ve completed the lesson.