Tuition and Fee Advisory Committee December 6, 2018
Student Success and Completion Model
Education and General Fund Operations (in thousands) Year-end Variance Actuals FY17 to FY18 Adopted FY18 to FY19 Budget 6/30/2017 6/30/2018 $ Change % Change 2019 Budget Education & General Student Fees & Tuition 39,328 41,788 2,460 6.26% 41,870 82 0.20% Government Resources & Allocations 23,888 24,506 618 2.59% 25,007 501 2.04% Gift Grants and Contracts 652 582 (70) -10.68% 584 2 0.31% Other Revenue 3,731 3,657 (74) -1.99% 3,892 235 6.44% Total Revenues 67,598 70,533 2,935 4.34% 71,353 820 1.16% Personnel 54,471 55,212 742 1.36% 60,055 4,843 8.77% Service & Supplies 7,383 8,391 1,007 13.64% 8,679 289 3.44% Capital Expense 454 261 (194) -42.61% 203 (58) -22.23% Total Expenses 62,308 63,863 1,555 2.50% 68,937 5,074 7.94% Interfund Transfers 4,771 3,999 (772) -16.18% 3,341 (658) -16.45% Total Expenses and Transfers 67,079 67,862 783 1.17% 72,278 4,416 6.51% Net Revenues less Expenses 519 2,670 (925) Additions/Deductions to Fund Balance (490) Fund Balance at the Beginning of the Year 11,294 11,323 13,993 Fund Balance at the End of the Year 13,068 Fund Balance as a Percentage of Revenues 16.75% 19.84% 18.31%
FY18 Revenues and Expenses
Historical Revenue and Fund Data
Oregon Universities Comparison
WOU Historical Tuition Rates