Mini Survey - results Doc.A6465/15/08rev Mini Survey - results Working Group on Article 64 and Article 65 of the Staff Regulations Meeting in Luxembourg 21st & 22nd March 2016
Content of this presentation Explanatory handout after A6465WG 2014 "Are you affected by cost of living differences between countries?" Written consultation June 2015, deadline 31 July Doc.A6465/15/08 Proposal for a mini-survey
Questionnaire for Member States Purpose: identify national practices (source of cost-of-living-adjustment, methodology) Target: civil service central human resources department, payroll department, foreign affairs department, overseas aid department or other appropriate branch of goverment Replies from: LV (6), BE, DE, RO, SK, FI Thankyou
Analysis of replies Do you have staff serving overseas? Yes If yes, do you adjust salaries for any difference in cost of living? Yes If yes, please describe the adjustment made (eg. % or flat-rate) Mixture Can this adjustment reduce salary below level in home city? No How frequently is this adjustment reviewed? Annual (but DE-monthly) Are specific arrangements made for accommodation? child school fees? medical costs? Yes
Analysis of replies Please indicate the source of any data used (eg. commercial organisation) giving name of the organisation and the product If relevant, please indicate whether this data is used directly or reprocessed internally Reprocessed Would you consider using Eurostat CC in addition/replacement? Yes in parallel Are expatriate staff entitled to additional payments? Which? Hardship (all), Relocation (all), nonworking spouse (LV), Source MS Eurostat BE UN.ICSC SK internal LV Source MS DESTATIS DE ECA FI n/a RO