Vocabulary Unit 8
alternate (v.) to do, use, or happen in successive turns; to take turns (n.) a person acting or prepared to act in place of another; a substitute (adj.) happening or appearing in turns; every other; being a choice between two or more things
demolish (v.) to tear down, break to pieces
energetic (adj.) active and vigorous, full of energy, forceful
enforce (v.) to force obedience to
feat (n.) an act or deed that shows daring, skill, or strength
hearty (adj.) warm and friendly; healthy, lively, and strong; large and satisfying to the appetite
mature (v.) to bring to or reach full development (adj.) fully grown or developed
observant (adj.) watchful, quick to notice; careful and diligent
primary (adj.) first in importance, first in time or order; basic, fundamental (n.) an early election that narrows the choice of candidates who will run in a final election
resign (v.) to give up a job, office, or a right or claim
strive (v.) to devote much energy or effort, try hard
verdict (n.) the decision of a jury at the end of a trial or legal case; any decision