To Kill A Mockingbird Vocabulary Week 10
To Kill A Mockingbird Condescension Acting superior con·de·scen·sion (noun) Acting superior He thinks he’s better than everyone and his condescension proves that.
To Kill A Mockingbird Cordially cor·dial·ly (adverb) Gracious or friendly She cordially offered all of the party goers tea and cakes.
To Kill A Mockingbird Entailment Land that can only be inherited en·tail·ment (noun) Land that can only be inherited Land owned by British royalty is often an entailment, and can only be passed from father to eldest son; NOT bought or sold.
To Kill A Mockingbird Erratic er·rat·ic (adjective) Eccentric or strange I wouldn’t get in a car with him because his driving tends to be rather erratic: sometimes I can’t even tell if he is awake.
To Kill A Mockingbird Irked (verb) Irritated I often am irked when my students don’t do their homework.