Adjacent: adjective: That which is near or bordering upon
Alight: verb: to come down and settle
Alliance: noun: a union for a common purpose
Amiss: adjective: Improper, something is not as it should be
Anecdote: noun: a short, humorous story
Animated: adjective: Very active; full of life
Anonymous: adjective: nameless, done by an unidentified person
Available: adjective: Ready for use
Barren: adjective: vast emptiness without life
Bewilder: verb: to confuse
Brawl: noun: a noisy fight verb: to fight noisily
Brood: verb: to think anxiously
Browse: verb: to inspect leisurely
Buffoon: noun: a clown
Cater: verb: to satisfy the needs of, or to supply food
Consolidate: verb: to combine into one body
Controversial: adjective: likely to cause a dispute between opposing views
Counterfeit: noun: a fraudulent copy of something valuable
Culminate: verb: to reach the final stage
Customary: adjective: usual, expected, routine