Topic Name
History Provide a detailed explanation of the origin of your topic
History Explain how the topic evolved/grew over time from its origin Make sure your font size is legible
Relevant Statistics What data exist around this topic? Ex: number of people affected, costs, are specific groups of people impacted
Current Status What is the current legal status of this issue? Is it legal/illegal? Are there any specific places where it is legal/illegal? Are there any recent developments (within the past year or two) that are relevant?
Applicable Laws/Court Cases Are there federal laws related to this topic? Are there state/local laws related to this topic? Is there a specific amendment to the Constitution relevant to this topic? Are there significant Supreme Court decisions related to this topic?
Pro/Arguments in Favor Make sure you do not copy from sources Summarize the 3-4 most frequently presented arguments in favor of the topic
Con/Arguments Against Make sure you do not copy from sources Summarize the 3-4 most frequently presented arguments against the topic
Opinion Here is where you put together the different components of this assignment in order to explain your position on the topic Cite the fact(s), statistics, and argument(s) that you found most persuasive
Sources Provide a list in MLA format of the sources of information you used in your research
Please note You might need more slides than this– it depends on the images you include and the design of your slides Make sure your slides are legible– don’t use tiny font and cram lots of words on a slide Use the checklist and rubric to help you