Welcome to Ms. Sonn’s 1A Sophomore English Class! 5/9/2012 When you enter the room, immediately copy your agenda and objectives Agenda: Agenda / Objectives Reading Quiz: Chapters 12-13 Warm-up SSR: Read Chapters 14-15 Character Sketch: Use specified format. Exit Note. Objectives: I will… develop life-long reading skills. Begin to analyze varying perspectives at work in my own life. Cite quotations from the text. Connect personally to great American literature. www.ilovereadingandwriting.weebly.com
Reading Quiz Ch. 12-13 What differences does Scout notice in Calpurnia when she takes Jem and Scout to church? Why does Calpurnia act in this way? Why does Scout say that, “Aunt Alexandra fitted into the world of Maycomb like a hand into a glove, but never into the world of Jem and me” (131-132). What does Scout mean when she says this. You have ten minutes.
Warm-up Describe a time in your life when you saw a group of people ganging up on an individual. Was their anyone around to defend the individual? How would the situation have been different if the victim had someone on their side, or if the group was only one person. Write for Six Minutes.
SSR and Character Sketch Read Chapters 14-15. Complete a character sketch for Aunt Alexandra using the specified format .
Exit Note: What is it do you think about Scouts perspective on life that allowed her to diffuse the conflict in front of the jail? ½ sheet of paper, turn into basket.