OUR SOLAR SYSTEM BY EMILY CHILSON The solar system is a group of objects in space. The solar system has planets, moons, and asteroids. In our solar system there eight planets.
The Sun The sun is in the middle of our solar system. The sun is the largest objet in the solar system. The sun sometimes has dark spots called sunspots.
Mercury Mercury is one of the inner planets. It has a rocky surface, and is very small. Mercury is hot enough to melt led.
Venus Venus is about the same size as Earth. Venus’s surface is mostly made up by volcanoes. Venus is the third brightest object in Earth’s sky.
Earth Earth is the only planet that can have life. Earth is the largest planet in the inner planets. Most of Earth is oceans.
Mars Mars is called the red planet. Mars is small it is only half the size of Earth. Mars has huge dust storms that can last for months.
The Asteroid Belt The asteroid belt separates the inner planets from the outer planets. Beyond Mars, on the far side is the asteroid belt. The asteroid belt has asteroids that has gravity pushing the asteroids.
Jupiter Jupiter is the largest planet. Jupiter has at least 63 moons. Jupiter is 11 time bigger than Earth.
Saturn Saturn is the only planet with visible rings. Saturn has at least 31 moons. Saturn has NO known solid surface.
Uranus Uranus rotates on it’s side as it orbits the sun. Uranus has at least 27 moons. Uranus is the third outer planet.
Neptune Neptune is one of the windiest places in the solar system. Winds can reach 2000 kilometers per hour. Neptune has at least 13 moons.
Dwarf Planet Pluto Pluto has a rocky surface. Pluto’s moon is about the size of Pluto itself. Pluto is one of the 8 dwarf planets.
Comet A comet is a ball of rock, ice, and frozen gases.
Star A huge ball of superheat ed gases.
Galaxy A huge system of many stars, gas, and dust.
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THE END I sure want another dog.