International Conference On The Structure of Baryons Glasgow, June 2013
P. González Universitat de València and IFIC (SPAIN) HEAVY QUARKONIA DESCRIPTION FROM AN ENERGY DEPENDENT POTENTIAL P. González Universitat de València and IFIC (SPAIN)
12 New Neutral Charmonium States since PDG 2000 9 X States (7 + 2 ? Unconventional) J. Beringer et al. (PDG)PRD 86, 010001 (2012)
Conventional States S. Godfrey, N. Isgur PRD 32, 189 (1985)
X states : Close-below or Above their First S-wave M-M Threshold DD*|S(1++) X(3872) D*D*| S(2++) X(4140-60) X(4350) DD1|S, DD1|S X(4260) X(4360) D*D*0|S X(4660) X(3915) X states : Close-below or Above their First S-wave M-M Threshold
Unconventional States Decay properties very different from conventionally expected Conventional description: with parallel properties to However decay properties completely different Conventional description: or However aan order of magnitude higher than expected
Quark-Antiquark effective (screened) potential States ? What are they ? Quark-Antiquark effective (screened) potential States ? Molecular Sates ? Tetraquarks (compact states) ? Quark-Antiquark + Molecular States ? Hybrid (Quark-Antiquark + Gluon) States ?
Can we explicitly implement threshold effects within a quark-antiquark model framework?
INDEX Quenched versus Threshold-Unquenched Quark-Antiquark Ground State Energy from Latttice. Quark Model Static Approach: Cornell Potential versus Energy Dependent Potential. Extended Quark Model. Heavy Quarkonia Description. Summary.
Quenched vs Threshold-Unquenched Quark-Antiquark GSE G. S. Bali, Phis. Rep. 343,1 (2001) G. S. Bali et al., PRD 71, 11453 (2005)
Extended Quark Model (EQM) : Energy Dependent Potential
Heavy Quarkonia Description The lowest lying spectrum is described by the Cornell potential Calculated masses differing at most 30 MeV (60 MeV) for bottomonium (charmonium).
Additional states + Attraction Threshold Effects Additional states + Attraction results from the attraction produced by on the Cornell state
Additional states + Attraction
EQM : Non Overlapping Thresholds The threshold has no effect below and above
Effective Thresholds (ET) When two or more thresholds are almost degenerate there are overlapping effects which can be implemented through ET.
and are Interthreshold States
EQM Spectrum
X(4660) X(4350) X(4360) X(4260) X(4140-60) X(3940) X(3915) X(3872) DD*|S(1++) X(3872) D*D*| S(2++) X(4350) DD1|S, DD1|S X(4260) X(4360) D*D*0|S X(4660) X(4140-60) X(3915)
EQM Spectrum
S. Godfrey, N. Isgur PRD 32, 189 (1985) BB1 B*B* (2++) BB* (1++)
EQM Eigenstates Eigenstates from different energy regions are not orthogonal Generator States DD*|S(1++) results from the attraction produced by on the Cornell state
results from the attraction produced by on the Generator state Generator Potential :
The Generator-Threshold Approximation Strong Decays The Generator-Threshold Approximation Assumption: The decay takes place, through light quark-antiquark creation, via the virtual generator-threshold state Cornell Threshold In general Generator Threshold
Conventional Decay Mechanisms
Summary There is a puzzle concerning experimentally unexpected charmonium states. There is a plausible universal explanation for this puzzle based on an Energy Dependent Potential (EDP) resulting from threshold effects. The Extended Quark Model (EQM) corresponding to this EDP may allow for a general description of hadrons (mesons and baryons) once spin dependent and other relativistic corrections are implemented.
Examples Mesons:
Baryons: S. Capstick, N. Isgur PRD 34, 2809 (1986)
Meson-baryon Thresholds:
Generator - Threshold Approximation Consider a system of 1 confined channel (3q) in interaction with 1 free channel (meson-baryon). Hamiltonian Matrix: with
The couple channel solutions correspond to the eigenvalues of : With a = 75 MeV all the anomalous masses can be reproduced within their experimental error bars.
P. Gonzalez, J. Vijande, A. Valcarce , PRC 77, 065213 (2008)
Unquenched Lattice-QCD ab initio calculation A. Bazavov et al. (MILC) Rev Mod. Phys. 82, 1349 (2010)
We expect the short range part of the wave function to be only changed by normalization: