A RALLYING CALL From a shared sense of need Summons the release of well directed energy Capture of a co-operative spirit An awareness that the observed conditions were inconsistent with the purpose and potential of the entity
THE SUMMONS Started with a concerned individual Knowledge of God’s standard His promises His past dealings What is appropriate to His honour An interest in God’s interest Need for confession and identification
IMPORTANT FIRST STEPS Information gathering- Reports 1:3 Observation 2:11-16 Examination and Confession 1:5-10 Reliance on God’s promises 1:11 Resource gathering 2: 7-9
CRITICAL ‘BUILDING BLOCKS’ The gates Sheep gate Fish gate Old gate Valley gate Refuse gate Fountain gate Water gate Horse gate East gate Miphkad gate
CHALLENGES Lack of commitment 3:5 Ridicule 4: 2-4 Discouragement (within) 4: 10-12 Internal Conflicts 5: 1-13 “Subtle wiles” 6: 1-9 Betrayal 13: 4-8; 28
THE OUTCOME Finished walls 6:15 Hung doors 7:1 Deployed personnel 7:2 The ascendency of the Word of God Worship 8:6 Fellowship 8:10, 12 Joy 8:17 Confession 9:1 Separation 9:2 Testimony 12:43
CONCLUSION What do we bring? Knowledge of the foundation Awareness of the Lord’s desires Awareness of the current conditions Desire to make a difference Personal examination and confession/repairs A mind to work RELIANCE on the DIVINE RESOURCES
Conclusion (contd.) What do we take away Willingness to be concerned Willingness to admit my own part in the failure/weakness Willingness to act Willingness to rely on God