All pupils can recall and work with a variety of functions L.O. All pupils can recall and work with a variety of functions
Do other topics link to them? Starter: Draw a spider diagram of all the different types of functions we have looked at this year. Do other topics link to them?
Linear Quadratic All Functions Exponential Starter: Gradient Linear Factorising y intersect Completing the Square Quadratic All Functions Quadratic Formula Tables of values Exponential Graphing Real Life Situations
All pupils can recall and work with a variety of functions L.O. All pupils can recall and work with a variety of functions
Main: work with a variety of functions Using your notes and previous knowledge, work through the revision worksheets on functions.
All pupils can recall and work with a variety of functions L.O. All pupils can recall and work with a variety of functions
All pupils can recall and work with a variety of functions L.O. All pupils can recall and work with a variety of functions