e-Government Working Group Portuguese Presidency e-Government Working Group
eGov - some concerns of all the members What are the role of different actors in egovernment domain? Spread by several others projects of the core tasks/competencies of the e-Government WG The European Public Administration Network must find new ways to work more integrated between the different working groups.
In the first meeting – 22 an 23 October - Sintra eGov - some concerns of all the members The aim of the Portuguese Presidency, is to clarify the role of this WG for the next 2 years. In the first meeting – 22 an 23 October - Sintra we will invite all the members of the egov WG to assume a consensual position.
eGov - Issues 1. The work of E-Government Working Group 2. Integrate the egovernment themes in the others WG
1. The work of E-Government Working Group eGov - Issues 1. The work of E-Government Working Group To undertake the exchange of views, experiences and good practices Improving cooperation among the EPAN working groups Common organisation of seminars & workshops Coordinating the work with other key actors (OCDE, UE)
Interoperability, collaboration and integration eGov - Issues Challenges for all Increase the citizen’s trust in their Administration Citizens Customer Management multichannel integration structure citizen’s expectations edemocracy dimension Implement the Services Directive Enhancing the efficiency of public services administrative electronic processing single point contacts (multichannel) Interoperability, collaboration and integration
2. Integrate the egovernment themes in other WG eGov - Issues 2. Integrate the egovernment themes in other WG Example: