What was the Golden Age of Islam? Notes #29


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Presentation transcript:

What was the Golden Age of Islam? Notes #29

The Golden Age of Islam was a time of great cultural and economic achievements for Muslims under the Abbassid Dynasty, from 750 to 1258.

Under the Abbassid Dynasty, cultural diversity was accepted and Arab culture was mixed with other cultures. Arabian culture Egyptian culture European culture

An important achievement of the Abbassid Dynasty was the preservation of ancient Greek and Roman ideas. Plato and Aristotle

al-Khwarizmi (Mathematician) This led to Muslim advances in math, science, and medicine. al-Khwarizmi (Mathematician) Ibn Sina (Physician)

For example, the study of algebra and astronomy was developed by the Abbassid Dynasty.

The first medical licensing exams, medical textbooks, emergency rooms, and syrup for medicine were also developed by the Abbassid Dynasty. Canon on Medicine

Lastly, a large trading network was developed by the Abbassid Dynasty, which allowed Muslims to spread their ideas and become very wealthy.