2nd Coordination Meeting 24-26th May, Greece ERASMUS+ KA2 PROJECT: Enhancement of study programs in Public Health Law, Health Management, Health Economics and Health Informatics in Montenegro 2nd Coordination Meeting 24-26th May, Greece Project web site: www.ph-elim.net
WP1: ANALYSIS AND ROADMAPING: PUBLIC HEALTH EDUCATION IN MONTENEGRO Activity 1.3- Cross-matching of practices in ME with EU standards Project web site: www.ph-elim.net .
Activity 1.3- Cross-matching of practices in ME with EU standards Deadline: 15th June 2017 (see adjusted timetable defined at Kick-off meeting!) State of Progress: Deliverable structure is created and tasks are assigned to ME partner institutions Question for ME non-academic institutions: WHICH STRATEGIC DOCUMENTS AND REPORTS/SURVEYS EXISITNG AT NATIONAL LEVEL YOU CAN DISTRIBUTE TO ACADEMIC INSTITUTION? Deadline: 31st May 2017 Drafted Section II and III deadline: 8th June 2017 Drafted Section IV (contributions from EU partners are also expected): 15th June 2017 Final deadline for publishing Deliverable 1.3: 20th June 2017 Project web site: www.ph-elim.net
WP1: ANALYSIS AND ROADMAPING: PUBLIC HEALTH EDUCATION IN MONTENEGRO Activity 1.4- Roadmap for New Educational System in Public Health in Montenegro Project web site: www.ph-elim.net .
Project web site: www.ph-elim.net Activity 1.4- Roadmap for New Educational System in Public Health in Montenegro Deadline: 15th June 2017 (see adjusted timetable defined at Kick-off meeting!) State of Progress: Drafted version is created by UDG Note: The Roadmap is expected to be updated during project implementation and adjusted to the level of achivement of project golas and situation in Montenegro (startegic priorities, community interests, etc.)! All ME institutions will be invited for comments and contributions Deadline: 5th June 2017 All EU institutions will be invited for comments and contributions Deadline: 10th June 2017 Final deadline for publishing Deliverable 1.4: 15th June 2017 Project web site: www.ph-elim.net
Project web site: www.ph-elim.net
WP1- ANALYSIS AND ROADMAPING: PUBLIC HEALTH EDUCATION IN MONTENEGRO DELIVERABLES: 1.1- Report: Analysis of EU practice for public health 1.2- Report: Analysis of EU practice for public health education 1.3- Report: Cross-matching of practices in ME with EU standards 1.4- Roadmap: New Educational System in Public Health in Montenegro INDICATORS OF PROGRESS: Conducted analyses of at least 24 best practices at EU and global level Participation of at least 10 policy makers, key health and educational authorities providing inputs for cross-matching analyses Specified at least 15 goals (short- and long-term) in Roadmap Project web site: www.ph-elim.net
WP1- ANALYSIS AND ROADMAPING: PUBLIC HEALTH EDUCATION IN MONTENEGRO HOW INDIACTORS WILL BE MEASURED: Published report and conclusions about current EU practices for public health and education with Montenegrin practice and educational system, identifying crucial points, benefits and possible difficulties/weaknesses Defined roadmap for the implementation and management of Public Health Education in Montenegro Published report about existing educational approaches commonly used in ME, with identified fields for improvements and expert development QUALITY CONTROL Activity leaders will prepare Report in the form requested by EACEA Quality Control Board is responsible for analysing the achivements and defining corrective actions if needed After approval by Quality Control Board, all staff conventions related to WP1 activities can sent for approval to Project coordinator! Project web site: www.ph-elim.net
Good example:
Project web site: www.ph-elim.net WP1: ANALYSIS AND ROADMAPING: PUBLIC HEALTH EDUCATION IN MONTENEGRO - TO DO LIST WITH DEADLINES Activity 1.1. Activity 1.2. Activity 1.3. Activity 1.4. REVEW BY ACTIVITY LEADER 1th June 2017 1st June 2017 (collection of materials from ME non-academic partners) CONTRIBUTIONS BY ALL PARTNERS: 8th June 2017 13th June 2017 (ME situation) FINAL VERSION: 15th June 2017 20th June 2017 (EU cross-matching) REPORT- ACHIVEMENTS AND INDICATORS: QUALITY CONTROL CHECK: 25th June 2017 30th June 2017 Project web site: www.ph-elim.net .