Biodiversity break out session 7th June 2017 TG-DATA meeting Biodiversity break out session 7th June 2017
of INSPIRE and EMODnet data models Some aspects of INSPIRE and EMODnet data models INSPIRE EMODnet Quite technical User-friendly Flexibility Simple layout –table structure Complexity – hierarchical structure The complex model structure of INSPIRE allows for more info to be added EMODnet simpler format can be useful for large scale assessments
data structure for habitats INSPIRE EMODnet Datasets poorly harmonised within EMODnet Seabed Habitats portal: not even all of them have the 4 fields above.
MAIN CHARACTERISTICS INSPIRE EMODnet Inspire Id GUI: the globally unique identifier of the habitat map consists of 2 letter country code (which corresponds to ISO3166-1) plus 6 digits. The habitat type is a complex element, which includes Id and scheme (values: EUNIS, habitatsDirective and marineStrategyFrameworkDirective), as well as name, area covered, length, volumen (where available) Original habitat type Habitat type (after translation) Annex I habitat (?) Includes list of species which occur within the habitat, and list of vegetation types which constitute the habitat Confidence in presence and extent of habitat described by the data. Use either a) High or b) potential
data structure for species INSPIRE EMODnet FIELDS FID datelastmodified catalognumber scientificname yearcollected monthcollected daycollected longitude latitude coordinateprecision minimumdepth maximumdepth sex observedindividualcount aphiaid datasetid aphiaidaccepted scientificname_accepted taxonlsid
MAIN CHARACTERISTICS INSPIRE EMODnet Species distribution information is a complex element including: occurrence, residency status, population size and type, sensitive information, start and end data of collection All biodiversity data uses the World Register of Marine Species as taxonomic backbone Codelists for: population type, occurrence category, counting method, counting unit, residency status, reference species code, Nature Directives code, EUNIS species code…(among others) Biodiversity data can be made available using the Darwin Core Standard and Ocean Biogeographic Information System (OBIS). This biogeographic data scheme is able to handle information and data of annual, seasonal, and spatial distribution of species composition and occurrence, but also abundance and biomass data in the water column and on the seabed can be handled with this data format. Includes Citation information A specific data format enabling National Oceanographic Data Centres (NODC’s) to make biological data accessible using the SeaDataNet infrastructure has been set up.