We want to see you in Austin! Annual Conference Update Call for papers to open in early March Registration to open in June Technical sessions, tracks, and workshops are in the works including a track designed for craft brewers We want to see you in Austin! We wanted to share some information on the annual conference, this year to be held in Austin, Texas, the live music capital of the world. We are looking forward to enjoying fine music along with the many fine beers that region produces. A few important dates – the call for papers will open in March and will run until May 4. Registration will then open in June. The technical committee is busy preparing the technical sessions, various tracks, and workshops to be held at the meeting; to make sure it provides you with the very best and latest information in the brewing industry. There will be a track designed for craft brewers so be sure to watch for that information. The national conference is a unique opportunity to meet with brewers from literally all over the world, and find some advanced knowledge and techniques. I highly recommend you plan on attending the annual conference and join MBAA in Austin!