Nasser Mansour University of Exeter The mediating factors between Egyptian science teachers’ beliefs and practices concerning teaching science through Science-Technology-Society (STS): Implications for teacher education Nasser Mansour University of Exeter
Methodology Interpretive methodology to gain an in-depth understanding of Egyptian science teachers’ experiences, beliefs about STS and their practices
Data collection Data were collected from: Questionnaires; Interviews; Memos and observations.
Sample of the study 162 Egyptian science teachers responded to a questionnaire. The maximum variation strategy was used to select 10 teachers from these 162 teachers. These teachers have been represented on this study by letters (A, Z, F, M, N, S, W, V, B, and H).
Sample of the study 10 Teachers Interviews –observations 162 teachers Questionnaire sample 10 Teachers Interviews –observations
Data analysis Quantitative data analysis (SPSS) Qualitative data analysis (Nvivo)
Design of the study Research aims Exploring factors affect teachers to practice their beliefs, Relationship between teachers’ beliefs and their practices, Exploring the social context of Egyptian Teachers Stage two Sample=10 teachers Stage one Sample= 162 teachers -Semi-structured interviews -Qualitative observation -Structured observation -Teachers’ lessons and journal STS questionnaire Report Quantitative analysis Findings Qualitative analysis
Teachers’ beliefs and practices patterns Teachers’ beliefs about teaching / learning STS. Teachers’ practices about teaching / learning STS. Teachers’ beliefs and practices relationships.
Teachers’ beliefs about teaching / learning STS Traditional beliefs M, W, S, H, N and B Mixed beliefs F, A, Z Constructivist beliefs V
Teachers’ practices about teaching / learning STS Traditional practices M, W, S, H, N, B, F and A Mixed practices Z and V Constructivist practices
Teachers’ beliefs and practices relationship Traditional beliefs M, W, S, H, N,B Mixed beliefs F, A, Z Constructivist beliefs V Traditional practices M, W, S, H, N,B, F, A Mixed practices Z and V Constructivist practices
Why do we have inconsistency between teachers' beliefs and their practices?
1- Quantitative results
Frequency of responses and mean of each item of beliefs about Outside influences/ constraints STS order Preparing students for the final examination 4.45 1 Large classes 4.43 2 Cover the prescribed syllabus 4.29 Lack resources to teach STS issues 4.2 3 Insufficient in pre-service preparing 4.26 4 Insufficient in-service training 4.10 5 Lack of interest of students in learning STS 3.75 6 There is no support by the parents 3.2 7 There is no support from my co-workers 3.0 8 Lack of confidence 3.20 9 My principal does not support me 3.1 10
presents priority frequencies and means of the Seven difficulties in teaching STS issues item Priority index order Evaluation and examination system 5.2 1 Excessive number of the students in class 4.56 2 Covering the subject matter of curricula. 4.13 3 Unavailability of possibilities and curriculum materials 3.64 4 Absence of rehabilitation during academic preparation. 3.62 5 Absence of suitable training during service. 3.41 6 Unavailability of computers and high technology. 3.36 7
2- Qualitative results
constraints as identified by the teachers
constraints as identified by the teachers
constrains Internal constraints External physical constraints External interpersonal constraints
Beliefs, practices and constraints Teachers’ beliefs Teachers’ practices Constraints External constraints internal constraints
Implications changing the emphasis of the Egyptian educational system from an examination-orientation to a learning–orientation, Providing teachers with sufficient teacher education concerning STS, Reducing curriculum content, Supplying more appropriate resources and giving teachers more autonomy in their choice of teaching approach,
Implications To counter class size problem, the teachers should be trained to be able to deal with large number of students and at the same time serious efforts should be made to reduce class sizes, the administrators should give teachers more support and more freedom.