Welcome As you are waiting… Feel free to sign up to bring a (healthy) treat to one of the three parties. (Back Table) Please feel free to look around the room or through the packet. Look at your student’s poster. DO NOT TAKE HOME!! Then just get comfortable!
Welcome to our 4th Grade Class! Mr. Matt Brooks
A little bit about myself… Teaching in the district for 20 years Married with 3 children, all girls, ages 16, 14, and 12 Undergrad Degree from NIU, Masters Degree from Lesley University Avid mountain biker and mountain bike coach (Westosha Composite Team) Outdoor Enthusiast
Reading Reading log each Thursday. Students read for at least 20 minutes a night for four nights minimum, more is they want to. Extra reading logs can be found on my school webpage, but anything will do (notebook paper, napkin:) Does NOT have to be an AR book.
Achieve 3000 Nonfiction high interest reading. Based on student’s reading ability. Able to track growth. Web-based program. Used at school, but student has option to use at home (reading record).
Language Language will consist of grammar, spelling, punctuation, and writing. Writing – We will be writing personal narratives, informational reports, persuasive essays, etc. Correct letter formation counts on spelling tests, including dotting i’s and crossing t’s.
Language Building Spelling Skills- Every week your child will be given a new spelling list with 20 words. We practice the list each day in class. Test on Friday. Each spelling list focuses on different spelling patterns.
Science This year we are using “Mystery Science”, a web based science curriculum. Units of study include: The Birth of Rocks, Energizing Everything, Human Machine, and Waves of Sound. Science and Social Studies units will alternate.
Social Studies This year we are again using the Social Studies Alive series. The units we will be studying are: Social Sciences Regions of the U.S.A.
Daily Geo/Daily Science Daily Geography or Daily Science will be assigned on Monday and due on Friday. We will alternate between Daily Geography and Daily Science each week. Daily Geography focuses on map, atlas, and globe skills. Daily Science focuses on different science concepts.
Math Practice 0-10 multiplication and division facts at home with flashcards (also addition and subtraction facts if needed). We will again be using the “Xtra Math” program at school to learn math facts.
Math New math curriculum for fourth grade: Bridges in Mathematics! Develops mathematical thinking and reasoning abilities using age-appropriate problems and investigations in the area of numbers, operations, algebraic thinking, measurement, data, and geometry.
Classroom Info
Homework If they do not turn in their work, or it is incomplete, an incomplete work slip will be sent home. The incomplete work slip needs to be signed and brought back the next day. During the incomplete work session, your child will complete the assignment.
Homework Each student will receive one homework “SLIDE” per grading period. This can be used if an assignment is left at home, incomplete, lost, eaten by the dog.......... Only one slide will be given each grading period. “Slides” are only valid for the current grading period.
Homework If your child needs extra help with anything we are doing in school they can always stay after school for an extra help session. These run from 2:37-3:00. This must be arranged ahead of time. I can not do extra help sessions on Wednesdays or days that I run an after school club.
Homework Reading Log – Due every Thursday Daily Geography or Daily Science - Friday Any work not finished in school (Math, Language, Reading) Spelling tests on Fridays
Grading Grades: This is the first year that fourth grade is using “Standards Based” report cards. We are using “Teacher Ease” for checking grades. You can go online and check grades anytime. Progress reports will not be sent home. Please view them online.
Grading (cont.) E= Extends:Student independently understands and applies the concept/skill beyond the grade level standard or in new situations. (Independently without adult help). M=Mastery: The student consistently "understands" and "applies" the concept/skill at the grade level standard which is the year end goal for our students.
Grading (cont.) D=Developing: The student is making progress towards understanding and application of the concept/skill at the grade level standard. B=Beginning: The student does not yet demonstrate understanding of the concept/skill at the grade level standard for this reporting period. It's ok for a student not to Master or Extend at the beginning, as we are working towards mastery the whole school year.
Assignment Notebook Students should be writing all assignments/important information in their assignment notebook. Everyday I will allow class time to write assignments down as I write them on the board. Please check that they are writing their assignments in their notebook everyday. The assignment notebook is a great way to send me a quick note if the need arises.
District Website Our school district website is www.whsd1.org I have a page on the district website. I post homework and have links to useful websites and materials. Check out the calendar and educational resources on the website.
Binder System Used to keep track of weekly behavior. 1st signature = warning 2nd signature = 5 minutes of recess 3rd signature = entire recess 4th signature = entire recess/ phone call home 5th signature = detention
Book Orders I will hand out a Scholastic book order most months. Occasionally we will have multiple orders. (Order online and order from any catalogue) Online Code: DQDFK Checks – Make payable to the Scholastic Book Club. Cash- Please send exact amount.
Contact Info. You may contact me via school phone at 847/872-5438. You can also email me at: mbrooks@sta.whsd1.org If there is a serious problem please call. REMIND: Please sign up to use “remind”. I will send out texts for important reminders. Text: 81010 and put @478a89 in the message to sign up.
Conferences Monday November 12th From 12:00-8:00
Snacks We will have a snack time each day around 9:30. Please make the snacks HEALTHY!! Our district’s wellness policy states that food students bring in needs to be healthy and includes classroom holiday parties. We are also asking that treats and drinks do not come in for birthdays.
Helpers/Party Sign-up Please sign-up to bring (Healthy) treats for a party if you can. I will be in touch with you to confirm. Thank you! ☺ Each child needs to bring in $5.00 to help cover the cost of our parties, crafts, and classroom supplies.
Helpers/Party Sign-up Every parent that helps in the classroom needs to fill out a volunteer information form and waiver of liability BEFORE they can be in the classroom.