English 10 - 9/30/13 Which is more important “peace” or “equal rights and justice”? Listen to Peter Tosh’s song before you respond Why is it important to be on-time for work if you're a computer security specialist? Portmanteau word – A word formed by blending two or more other words; e.g. twist + whirl = twirl. Goals – Add the “link to the hook.” Add vocabulary words to your essays. General work on essays on computers. Homework – Make sure you have a complete essay by tomorrow, “Personal Essay d6.” We will be in the computer lab all week. Don’t forget to study Vocabulary # 5 for quiz Friday. The early nerd catches the worm.
English 10 - 10/1/13 Is digital interaction with people as good as face to face interaction? Is online socializing or texting harming people in some way? The early bird gets the worm but the second mouse gets the cheese! Pasimology – the art of speaking Goals – Work on finalizing your personal essay. Feedback. Work in computer lab. Homework – Work on your essay to get ready for peer review. Print “personal essay d?” for sharing tomorrow.
English 10 - 10/2/13 Should everyone vote? Do voters have a responsibility to be informed? Why did Mr. Went go to the Masseuse? Paronomasia – punning, a playing on words. Goals – Discuss transitions between paragraphs and sections of the paper. Check drafts 5 and 6. Homework – Use the peer review to check the qualities of your paper. Because he was Passed tense.
English 10 - 10/3/13 What kind of person do you want to become? What would your best self be like to hang out with? What does a pirate do when invited to a party? Pathetic fallacy – Ascribing human passions to nature, cruel snows, caressing clouds, etc. Goals – Get that essay complete and compiled and ready to turn in! Homework – Do what it takes to have that essay ready to turn in at the beginning of class tomorrow. Don’t forget the Vocab 5 Quiz tomorrow. Sends an Ahrrrr S.V.P.
English 10 - 10/4/13 Five minutes to study for Quiz #5. Question: What type of specialist should you see if you have butterflies in your stomach? Palindrome – a word or passage that reads the same forward or backwards. E.g. Dennis and Edna sinned. Goals – Turn in copy of Personal Essay before quiz 5. Make sure to include: Rubric w/word count on top, final draft, and all other drafts 1-? in order underneath. Complete vocab. 5 study. Homework – none. A gastroentomologist.