Dr. Christopher C. Moore, Senior Pastor Out Of The Boat Faith Dr. Christopher C. Moore, Senior Pastor
“The decision to grow always involves a choice between risk and comfort. This means that to be a follower of Jesus you must renounce comfort as the ultimate value of your life.” ― John Ortberg Jr., If You Want to Walk on Water, You've Got to Get Out of the Boat
What is your boat? Fear? Apprehension? Sin? Uncertainty? Pain? Apathy?
“If you’re going to go where you’ve never been, you must grow in faith to do some things that you’ve never done.”
What does “out of the boat faith” look like in the context of Scripture? (Matthew 14:22-33)
1) Follow Where He Leads (Reference v. 22-24)
“What you cannot see is that the universe is always carrying you towards your highest good, even if the road to your highest good takes you straight to the depths of hell.” Teal Swan 1) You’ll never have the opportunity to step out of the boat until you firstly sit in the boat
2) Understand that your course will not be without its share of circumstances. 3) There can be no advancement until there’s been an assessment. 4) The proctor doesn’t allow you to take the test unsupervised.
Don’t Fear In Difficult Places (Reference v. 25-31) “Fear and faith are the difference between proof and promise because what you can see never matches what you cannot see.”
God is with you in difficult places and even when you can’t see His vision, you can trust His voice. 2) Don’t lose your focus. 3) Know that it is safer with God in a storm than it is without Him in the boat.
Your Faith Should Grow As Your Experiences With God Deepen (Reference v. 32, 33) As God is taking you through, you should be growing up. 2) Your faith be developed more in present storms than it was in previous storms.
“Having God in your boat does not mean you will not have any storms anymore, but it means that no storm can make your boat sink.” Unknown
What have you decided to be? A boat-sitter or water-walker?