CGBN Co-ordination Group for Biodiversity and Nature 15th meeting – 19/09/13 (all day) & 20/09/13 (morning Agenda item 2.1 Progress on Target 1 Developments since CGBN of 21st March 2013
Action 1: Completion of the Network (1) Site Designations New Union Lists of SCIs for all 9 Biogeographic Regions to be adopted by Habitats Committee on 4 October 2013 New designations of e.g. in SI (bilateral seminar planned in spring 2014) Pilots or new infringements for remaining insufficiencies launched SAC designation: PILOTs sent to 13 MS, feedback under assessment SPA designation in marine to be discussed at next Ornis Committee
Action 1: Completion of the Network (2) Management Natura 2000 Seminars Communications platform now online and operational Current Schedule: BioGeo region Prep workshop Seminar Boreal 25/26 Jan 2012 28/29 May 2012 Atlantic 20/21 June 2012 3/5 Dec 2012 Alpine 12/14 June 2013 25/26 Nov 2013 Med (without Mac) (no LC yet) Spring 2014 ?? Autumn 2014 ?? Cont/Pann/Step/ Black Sea Autumn 2014 Spring 2015 Marine ? 1st discussion with Marine Exp group 7/11 ?
Action 1: Completion of the Network (3) Management - continued Expert Group on Natura 2000 management 10th meeting of the expert group: 23 October 2013 Main issues: New biogeographical process - Up-date and way forward Progress on designation of SACs New Art 6 guidance Progress on financing Natura 2000, including on 'Prioritised Action Frameworks' Progress on Natura 2000 & Forests Guidance (Info)
Action 1: Completion of the Network (4) Management –marine issues Marine Expert Group - next meeting 7 November 2013 Main topics: - Marine Natura 2000 designations (State of play) - Marine Protected Areas under the MSFD (State of play) - Management guidelines for marine Natura 2000 (Discussion) - Sensitivity analysis for marine habitats/species in relation to fisheries (Discussion) - CFP reform – new EMFF (State of play - implications) - Applying Art. 6 of Habitats Directive to fisheries (Discussion) - new biogeographic process
Action 2: Financing of Natura 2000 PAFs received from 22 MS (shared with other DGs) MFF legislation negotiations close to be finalised Internal Discussion in Commission re. Partnership Agreements and OPs (other DGs want to know the priorities) + dialogue with MS Dedicated workshop on LIFE-PAF projects to take place on 5 November in Brussels Handbook on Financing Natura 2000, and toolkit for PAF-OP consistency evaluation close to be finalised, to be presented and discussed at financing Natura 2000 workshops in 27 MS
Action 3: Stakeholder awareness & involvement and enforcement Guidance docs Guidance on Climate Change and Natura 2000 & Guidance on Wilderness and Natura 2000 – completed and posted on the web Art 6 guidance doc update: discussion at management WG 23/10, approval at Hab Com spring 2014 Guidance on Natura 2000 and farmland: approved at last Habitats Committee, will be finalised following final adoption of CAP reform Guidance on Forestry and Natura 2000: Second workshop held on 23 May 2013. First meetings of working group on 14 October and 17 December 2013. First draft outline of guidance document available Guidance on Hydropower and Natura 2000: See agenda item 2.3 Guidance on Natura 2000 and energy transmission infrastructure: Consultation with MS just finished Study on permitting procedures: See agenda item 2.2
Action 3: Stakeholder awareness & involvement and enforcement Implementation Two projects ongoing in IMPEL - illegal killing of birds - nature conservation – Article 6.3/6.4? Conference in Malta on 1-4/10/2013 Commission staff working paper SWD(2013) 401 final of 1.8.2013 on 'Regulatory Fitness and Performance Programme (REFIT): Initial Results of the Mapping of the Acquis' states: The implementation of the EU Habitats and Birds Directives will be evaluated, based on reports to be submitted by the Member States in 2015. The evaluation will cover the contribution of this legislation to the achievement of targets and commitments at the EU (e.g. the EU Biodiversity Strategy) and international (e.g. under the Convention on Biological Diversity) level.
Action 3: Stakeholder awareness & involvement and enforcement Species protection Large Carnivores: "LIFE and human coexistence with large carnivores" publication in June 2013 4 species action plans with the population-level approach under preparation, to be 1st consulted with stakeholders on 5th Dec. before going to the Habitats Committee Elements of an EU Platform on Large Carnivores to be launched in 2014 to be also discussed 4 pilot actions on different LC species in different EU trans-boundary regions in preparation Enhanced communication and awareness-raising activities ( DG ENV website, Nature in Europe blog etc., articles in the press) Species action plan on bats started
Action 3: Stakeholder awareness & involvement and enforcement Energy infrastructure: Guidance on N2000 & electricity/gas/oil transmission infrastrucure – to be discussed at next Hab Com, followed by ISC and adoption Guidance on Streamlining environmental assessment procedures for energy infrastructure Projects of Common Interest (PCIs) published First Commission Regulation adopting list of PCIs as delegated act to Regulation (EU) No 347/2013 on guidelines for trans-European energy infrastructure to be adopted soon.
Action 3: Stakeholder awareness & involvement and enforcement Public Awareness Natura 2000 Awards: Contract signed Objectives: Raise awareness about Natura 2000 among the public Recognise excellence in the promotion of Natura 2000 Recognise excellence in the management of Natura 2000 sites Encourage networking between Natura 2000 stakeholders Provide role models to inspire and promote best practice First call for applications: Dec 2013/Jan 2014 Awards: May/June 2014.
Action 3: Stakeholder awareness & involvement and enforcement Public Awareness Natura 2000 Newsletter N° 34 Natura 2000 in Croatia Large Carnivores Initiative Green Infrastructure Economic Benefits of Natura 2000 factsheet Building on the Synthesis Report Facebook page Nature in Europe
Action 4: Reporting nature directives Article 17 HD and Article 12 BD reports Most Art 17 MS reports received … received MS Can start uploading data for Art 12 in October, Deadline 31/12/2013 Discussions on measuring progress towards target 1
Agenda for next Habitats Committee meeting (3/10/2013) Adoption of SCI union lists Measuring progress towards target 1 Guidance on Natura 2000 and energy transmission infrastructure Financing Natura 2000 SAC designation New Biogeographical Process Reporting under Art.17 Natura 2000 dataflow – Standard Data Forms Derogation Reporting Large carnivore Initiative Multi-species action plan for bats
Agenda for next Ornis Committee meeting (4/10/2013) Designation of SPAs (esp. marine) CAP reform and Birds Directive Illegal Killing, trapping and trade of Birds, Roadmap implementation Evaluation of implementation of 13 Management Plans for huntable bird species in unfarourable status EU Action plan on seabirds CMS raptor strategy Article 9 and 12 reporting Species Action Plan on Aquila Clanga