The Galactic Diffuse X-Rays and Time Variability of the 6.4-keV Clumps GC 6.7 keV (He-like Fe) 6.4 keV (Neutral Fe) 2.5 keV (He-like S) (2) X-ray irradiation ? (3) Multiple SNR (1) ~7 keV Plasma (4) 銀河中心の統一像へ
In preparation: 3—4 Papers. Finally, ~50 Refereed Papers 観測ピリオド 観測回数 総観測時間 (ks) PV 5 500 AO1 8(20) 664(940) AO2 5(16) 550(800) 表1(右) PV, AO1, AO2のGCの観測数と観測時間 表2(下) GC観測から生まれたRefereed PaperのList No タイトル(内容) 観測 雑誌 主著者 1 Line Diagnostics of GCDX PV Sp59 Koyama 2 Spectrum of Sgr A East PV Sp59 Koyama 3 Hard X-Ray Emission the Arches Cluster PV Sp59 Tsujimoto 4 Diffuse Iron line of the Sgr B2 Region PV Sp59 Koyama 5 Peculiar Hot Star in the GC AO1 Sp60 Hyodo 6 A Time Variable X-Ray Echo of Sgr B2 PV Sp60 Koyama 7 Diffuse Hard X-ray from the GC AO1 SP60 Yuasa 8 New XRN and SNR in the Sgr B1 Region PV Sp60 Nobukawa 9 X-Ray Flare of A-type Star HD 161084 AO1 Sp60 Miura 10 SNR Candidate G359.79-0.26 AO1 Sp60 Mori 11 New X-ray views of the Galactic Center PV CJAA Koyama 12 X-Ray Observations of the GC PV AN Koyama 13 Variable Neutral Iron Line in Sgr B2 PV SP61 Inui 14 Spatial Distribution of the GCDX PV+AO1 Sp61 Koyama 15 New XRN with Large EW in Sgr C PV - Sp61 Nakajima 16 SNR and Outflow in the Sgr C region PV - Sp61 Tsuru 17 Suzaku Observations of Sgr D HII AO1 - Sp61 Sawada 18 AXJ1745.6-2901 AO1 - Sp61 Hyodo SAX J1748.2-2802 AO1 - Sp61 Nobukawa 20 Iron lines form GR and GC PV Sp61 Yamauchi 21 An X-ray Super bubble PV+AO1 PASJ Mori ----------------------------------------------------------------------- In preparation: 3—4 Papers. Finally, ~50 Refereed Papers will be appeared from the GC Observations.
6.7 keV line Plasma, if diffuse T ~ 108 K L2-10 ~ 2x1036ergs/s Size ~ 50pc x 30pc nave ~ 0.1cm-3 npeak ~ 0.4cm-3 Egas ~ 3x1052ergs Escape Time scale: tesc = Size/Cs = 2x104yr Heating Rate = Egas/tesc~5x1040ergs/s~10-3 SN yr -1 Very High ! (1) High SN rate ! Many SNRs in the GC (2) Past Activities (Flares) of the Super massive black hole Sgr A* (eg. Koyama et al. 1996)
l-distribution b-distribution Point source Flux (4.8-8 keV) The 6.7 keV line flux vs Integrated point source flux (Chandra deep exposure) Near GC ( |I| < 0.3 deg) l-distribution b-distribution Sgr A* 10 x 6.7 keV line (EW=0.5 keV) Point source Flux (4.8-8 keV) ( b)
The 6.7 and 6.96 keV lines in GC and GR 6.7 keV line : Point-sources: Exponential FWHM ~ 0.2 deg Point-sources: power-law index = 0.9 (Infrared star numbers, Chandra point sources) Temperature F6.96/F6.7 ~0.3 --0.4 (GC) ~ 0.2--0.3 (GR)
6.4keV Clump =XRNの分布 Sgr B2 Sgr B1 New Sgr C
1994年 X-ray front 2000年 2004年 2005年
* Sawada et al. 2004
Sgr B Cloud is in fornt of the GC Plasma
We found Many SNR Candidates (6 + 1+Sgr A East) Some are Likely Multi-SNe ~1keV ~3 keV
GCの統一像をめざして 100F6.7 10F6.4 F6.7 + 0.5F6.4 Power-law + Gaussian lines Gamma, Fluxes (F) and Equivalent width (EW) Gamma :Power-law Index F5-10 : 5-10 keV band F6.4 , EW6.4 : 6.4 keV line F6.7 , EW6.7 : 6.7 keV line F6.7 + 0.5F6.4 100F6.7 10F6.4 EW6.7+ 0.5EW6.4 = Constant
銀河中心の統一描像の樹立へ! 「すざく」のLegacyを! 6.7keV lines 6.96/6.7 keV Conclusion Major fraction of the GCX is diffuse ~7 keV plasma (2) We found Many SNR Candiates (~ 1 keV temperature) in the GC. (3) 6.4 keV line clumps are time variable, hence is X-ray reflection Nebula irradiated by the past outburst of Sgr A* 銀河中心の統一描像の樹立へ! 「すざく」のLegacyを!