Does your inbox need a tune-up? 5/16/2019 3:19 AM Does your inbox need a tune-up? Consider <partner company name> your mechanic. We help businesses like yours set up fast, secure, and intelligent business-class email, so you can focus on the road ahead. Stay in motion by accessing your email and calendar from anywhere, on any device. Avoid expensive pit stops with fewer unplanned hardware and software costs and less time spent on administration. Lock your doors and prevent unauthorized users from opening or forwarding sensitive documents. Together, we can take your email to the fast lane <partner contact name> <partner company name> <partner email> <partner URL> <partner phone> <partner address > <Notice to partners: Read and delete this note before sending.> Microsoft provides this material for partners’ convenience and informational purposes only. You may not change any of the claims made about Microsoft devices and services and must follow all Microsoft trademark guidelines. Consult with your own attorney o ensure you follow all applicable laws, including any anti-spam laws. © Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. This flyer and any offers contained herein are brought to you by <partner>. <Partner legal> <Partner privacy/unsubscribe>