What is an electric current?
1. Let’s think back! What is needed in order for an electric current to flow? What do you think an electric current is like? What evidence supports your ideas about what an electric current is like? What else would you like to find out to help you understand more about an electric current? How could we measure an electric current? Why would this be useful?
2. Measuring current What have you noticed about the readings you get using the ammeter? What difference does it make to the readings you get if you change things in your circuit? What happens if you use more bulbs? Or more batteries? How can your group explain how the changes you make affect the size of the current?
3. Current around the circuit What ideas about an electric current did you use to help you make your prediction about the current at point B? Was your measurement with the ammeter the same as your prediction? What surprised you? Can you explain what you found? How will your ideas help you make predictions about the current in a different circuit?
4. Plenary: all moving at once Can you explain why a bulb will light immediately when the circuit is switched on? What can you say about the speed of the string in different parts of the circuit? How does this fit with what you found out when you measured current with the ammeter? What happens when we put a bulb in the circuit? Two bulbs? How can you explain this using what you know about an electric current?