Acid and Base I
4. A) HBr is a stronger acid. Ionic radius of Br- is larger than that of F-. Because of this the force of attraction between Br- and H+ is less than that of between H+ and F-. So Br- will lose H+ easier than F- B) HI C) HI
5. A) F- is a stronger base. F- is conjugate of a weak acid HF. So this makes it a relatively strong base as it has greater ability to attract H+ ions. Cl- is the conj base of a strong acid HCl. This makes it a weak base as it does not have ablity to attract H+ ions in aq solnn. B) Br- C) F-
6. HOBr. Br is more electronegative than iodine, bromine reduces the electron density in the H-O bond to a greater degree than iodine. Because the e density between the H and O in HOBr is less than in HOI, forces of attraction between H and O in HOBr are less than in HOI. So HOBr will lose H more easily. B) HOCl C) HOCl