Talking about the Budget December 2005
Outline Review of Manoa Campus Planning Day—what we learned (Sara) University Librarian and the UH Manoa budget (Diane) Library budget—sources of funds and allocation (John) Foundation money (Dana)
Overview of Manoa Campus Planning Day October 6, 2005 Fiscal overview Research and Training Revolving Funds (RTRF) Tuition increase
Fiscal Overview Kathy Cutshaw, acting Vice Chancellor for Administration, Finance, and Operations Transparency in reporting Activity based management Responsibility centered management
Manoa Revenue 2005 Revenue by Fund Revenue by Source State appropriations 35% Federal grants/contracts 34% Tuition 13% Auxiliary services 8% Private gifts,grants 4% State grants/contracts 3% Other 3%
Manoa expenditures by Function
FY2005 FMIS Expenditure Regular employees 44% Other current expenditures 27% Equipment 14% Other personal service 7% Indirect costs 4% Student help 2% Lecturers 1% Non-regular employees 1%
FY2006 Allocation General & Tuition Funds
FY2006 General, Tuition, RTRF Allocations (in 1000s) Facilities, grounds and safety at top
FY2006 General, Tuition, RTRF Allocations (in 1000s) cont’d
VCAFO Challenges Flood Deferred repairs/maintenance (est. $99.1 million in deferred repairs/maintenance) 17% increase in utility costs for 05-06 Academic, research, and physical infrastructure Salary equity Commitments
Research & Training Revolving Funds Gary Ostrander, VCRGE RTRF from facilities & administration charges to grant sources (ex. 36.3% of NSF grant charged to NSF for F&A) 25% goes to UH VPR; 25% goes to VCRGE; 50% goes to unit
RTRF Revenue FY2005 FY2005 Manoa received $21.6 million Units received $14.46 million VCRGE had $7.23 million FY04-05 Library services generated $1319 RTRF and received 05-06 allocation from that of $659
VCRGE RTRF Distribution FY2005 $183,309 to library; $10.31 million distributed by VCRGE office
VCRGE RTRF Distributions $10,317,464.90 in FY2005 New research initiatives 28% Research support 21% Facilities/equipment 20% Flood 15% Start-up 15% Seminar 1% Cost share <1%
Tuition revenues VCAA Neal Smatresk Manoa enrollment up 21% over 2000-05 Over next six years tuition for in state undergraduates will rise 140% ($350 semester hour), for out of state undergrads tuition will rise 133% ($968 semester hour) Graduate students will see similar increase
Allocation of Tuition Dollars $54,514,784 FY2006 Facilities and grounds >$18 million Library Services approx. $7 million Medicine approx. $5.9 million IfA approx. $3 million