Basic Steps of Sanitation SSOP Protocol Basic Steps of Sanitation Terry Willis – Senior Advisor-Food Division
Regulatory Standards The FDA Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) is the most in-depth reform of food safety laws in more than 50 years. Signed into law on January 4, 2011, the goal is to ensure the U.S food supply is safe by shifting the focus from responding to contamination to prevention. Part of these standards is the development of Sanitation Standard Operating Procedures (SSOP). According to 9 CFR 416.11 “Each official establishment shall develop, implement, and maintain written standard operating procedures for sanitation (Sanitation SOP’s) in accordance with the requirements of this part.”
Procedure Development This presentation is intended to prepare you to develop and audit written cleaning procedures. The following templets meet the FSMA, USDA and GFSI information requirements to be included within SSOP’s.
Basic Steps OF Sanitation Prep Work Pre- Rinse Wash Post Rinse Inspect/Validate Sanitize Reassemble
Prep Work Always….. Disassemble Cover the electrical components Disassemble Remove excess food debris (inedible containers) Use shovel & squeegee when possible
Pre-Rinse Water hose temperature (120° – 140°F) Rinse inside to outside Top to bottom Rinse floor
Wash Chemical, Concentration, Temperature, Time Application equipment Titration testing (frequency) Foam thin layer from bottom to top Allow to sit (5 -10 minutes) Scrub- green pad or appropriate colored brush Never allow to dry!!!!
Post Rinse Water hose (temperature- 120°-140°F or cold or ambient) Inside to outside Top to bottom Condensate removal if applicable
Inspect/Verify Visualize with a flashlight (preferably) Re-clean if necessary Notify QA (or whoever appropriate) to inspect and verify
Sanitize Chemical , Concentration- apply after testing (swab, etc.) Application equipment Titration testing and frequency
Reassemble Re-assemble then sanitize any equipment or surface which has been contacted