Together We Can! Advisory Board Meeting November 18, 2010
1. Welcome and Introductions
2. Approval of October 21, 2010, Meeting Minutes
3. Health Improvement Planning News to Know November 2010 Issue
4. County Health Improvement Planning Working Groups Progress
4. Progress on County Plans Organization Actions To Date Suspense Actions Arenac Multi-Purpose Collaborative Body (MPCB) Community Needs Assessment Planning Sub-Committee 10/18/10 – Kathy Kent attended the meeting. Attendees provided data in various human services areas. 09/20/10 – VR and Kathy Kent attended the meeting. The results from 10 respondents on the needs assessment survey were released. Next meeting date is to be determined. November 15th was rejected due to it being during deer season. The purpose will be to examine the compiled data.
4. Progress on County Plans Organization Actions To Date Suspense Actions Clare-Gladwin Health Improvement Planning Working Group (Also known as the Health Advisory Subcommittee under the Clare/Gladwin Systems of Care Co-occurring Leadership) 10/28/10 – Fourth meeting: There were 25 attendees, excluding the CMDHD facilitator and the CMDH recorders, Kelly Conley and Sandy Merrifield. The group prioritized nine topic areas: - Health Services - Maternal and Infant Health - Nutrition and Weight Status - Substance Abuse - Transportation - Housing - Reproductive/Sexual Health - Violence - Water Quality 11/19/10 – Fifth meeting. Group exercise to document current efforts, additional suggestions, potential objectives, and stakeholders of focus in each area.
4. Progress on County Plans Organization Actions To Date Suspense Actions Isabella Health Improvement Planning Working Group Isabella County Community Collaborative (ICCC) As of 11/17/10 – 16 completed surveys have been received. 11/09/10 – Isabella Health Issues survey released. 11/05/10 – Third meeting (held after the ICCC meeting). There were 13 attendees, excluding the CMDHD facilitator and the CMDHD recorder, Helen Lee. The group finalized the survey materials. 11/22/10 – Survey due date. 12/03/10 – Fourth meeting (to be held after the ICCC meeting): review Isabella Health Issues Survey results.
4. Progress on County Plans Organization Actions To Date Suspense Actions Mecosta-Osceola Healthcare Work Group 11/04/10 – Second meeting attended by VR and Becky Johnson-Himes of CMDHD. The group discussed potential areas of focus and approaches. 12/02/10 – Third meeting scheduled.
4. Progress on County Plans Organization Actions To Date Suspense Actions Roscommon County Health Improvement Planning Working Group Meetings follow the Roscommon Human Services Collaborative Body meetings 11/17/10 – Fourth meeting There were nine attendees, excluding the CMDHD facilitator and recorder, Melissa DeRoche. Reviewed survey results. 11/02/10–11/12/10 – Roscommon Health Issues Survey ongoing. A total of 23 were received. 01/19/11 – Fifth meeting. Determining topic areas.
5. Teams of Leaders in Health Care - Jessica Gardon Rose, Director, Carls Center for Clinical Care and Education, Central Michigan University Dr. Candace Gibson, Vice Chair, Canadian Healthcare Information Management Association and Associate Professor, Department of Pathology, University of Western Ontario - Colleen Read, Administrator, PS Equities, Mt. Pleasant - Dr. Dag von Lubitz, Adjunct Research Professor and Scientific Director, Central Michigan University, Center for Collaborative Leadership in Healthcare
6. General Discussion
7. Next Steps